The DARwin-Mini is a robot kin with an open source embedded board, semi-permanent li-ion battery and small actuator. ROBOTIS DARwIn-Mini can be controlled by smartphone and by voice command. Its parts are also 3D printable and his software open source, for extra cool modification. DARwIn-Mini also has neat embedded LEDs to enhance his activities. You can use your bot with the pre-programmed features on the mobile app or program DARwIn-Mini yourself with the easy-to-use, C-based RoboPlus software. Currently, the app is only available for use with Android devices, but iPhone compatibility is in the works. You\\’ll need a bluetooth module on your computer to program your DARwIn-Mini.
DARwin-Mini Highlights
- Awarded the “Good Design” mark
- Maintains compatibility with the 6mm grid OLLO [and now new Robotis Dream] frame
- Uses the new smaller Dynamixel XL-320 for various motor and motion functions
- Comes with the ROBOTIS DARWIN-MINI exclusive smart App (includes Touch, Gestures, Voice Recognition, and Text commands)
- Convenient functions for the user (battery percentage display, offset settings for the XL-320, etc)
- Controller: OpenCM9.04-C x 1
- Bluetooth: BT-210 x 1
- Battery: LB-040 x 2
- DYNAMIXEL: XL-320 x 16
- DYNAMIXEL: XL-320D x 1
- Cable
- QuickStart Guidebook
- Stickers
- 3D Printable Parts
DARwin Mini App
The DARwin Mini application uses button, gesture, voice recognition, and messenger to control or change movements:
Once you have complete the assembly, connect your robot (Bluetooth) with your smart device. You do have to download any programs to your robot. Also use DARwin-MINI App to access the settings for Serve/Client, Motion Sound and Files:
Use RoboPlus Motion to add or modify motions. Also you can program your robot using RoboPlus!
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