A Game Changing Exoskeleton
SuitX Phoenix: Affordable, Lightweight, and Modular Exoskeleton. Many of our basic needs and necessities are met because we are capable of getting up and acquiring them, but what about the people who aren’t so lucky.
SuitX Phoenix: Affordable, Lightweight, and Modular Exoskeleton. Many of our basic needs and necessities are met because we are capable of getting up and acquiring them, but what about the people who aren’t so lucky.
The vacuum of space is a vast and volatile place, requiring the brave men and women to be properly trained and equipped in order to handle such an environment. That is why through the continued partnership of GM and NASA tools such as the Human Grasp Assist Device or also know as K-glove or robo-glove have been developed to assist astronauts in space.
One of the main objectives for exoskeleton applications was to empower a soldier to be able to bear heavy objects (176-1452lb) while climbing stairs or running.