Qbo Pro Evo Robot with Intelligence
The Corpora‘s Qbo Pro Evo Robot with Intelligence is an open source robotic platform with high performance and great level of power consumption. Robot equipped with: obstacle detection, stereoscopic vision, face tracking & recognition, speech recognition, 3D Slam, object tracking and recognition, tele-operation and WiFi Connection. It incorporates many internal and external sensors and an INTEL i3 processor that allows real-time operation at high speed. It can operate while staying connected to the power supply.
Features: Stereooscopic Vision
Thanks to two webcameras integrated in’s eyes, is capable of extract 3D information to detect close objects and even persons.
Face Tracking and Recognition
Using images from its webcameras, is capable of detecting human faces and learn to recognize them.
Speech Recognition
Using the microphones located in’s head and a speech recognition software, the is capable of understanding natural human voice/
Music Gesture Player
Using your hands, you can control a music player in the robot due to its ability to recognize different gestures. The music is played through the robot’s loudspeakers.
SLAM with the Xtion Pro Live
Thanks to the Xtion Pro Live from ASUS®, the is capable of using 3D points to build maps of the surroundings and autonomously navigate in them.
Object Tracking & Recognition
The Robot is able to detect close objects using its sterescopic vision and learn to recognize them.
Wi-Fi Connection contains a Mini-ITX motherboard with integrated WiFi card, enabling a remote connection via WiFi.
Obstacle Detection is capable of avoiding obstacles by detecting them with the two ultrasonic sensors located in the robot’s front.
- Description
- Stereooscopic Vision
- Face Tracking and Recognition
- Speech Recognition
- Music Gesture Player
- SLAM with the Xtion Pro Live
- Object Tracking & Recognition
- WiFi Connection
- Obstacle Detection
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